Contact Information
1156 Oakland Park Avenue
Columbus, OH 43224-3317
Tel: 614-268-9466
Fax: 614-268-3003
Email Request for Interiorscape & Streetscape Services
Oakland Interiorscape & Streetscape Divisions
In-home or in-office design consultations and estimates at no cost. All designs are custom- tailored to suit your particular needs by using “the right plant-in the right place” policy. We use live or artificial specimens depending on your preference.
Plant maintenance is provided bi-weekly by qualified and trained technicians to keep your plants looking great with 100% guarantee.
Blooming plant rotation programs available for our commercial clients. Plant gift delivery for associates, employees, and clients. Organic displays (i.e. bamboo, stone applications, and indoor water features). We also do greenwall vertical plantings which have a unique watering system. |
Benefits of Interior Plants
Toxins in the air absorbed by biofiltration
Reduce stress in workplace
Regulate humidity
Release oxygen
Call today to set-up an authentically green presentation to see how plants enhance your environment today!
Mission of Oakland Interirorscapes
Our Mission at Oakland Interiorscapes is to promote, provide, and enhance a healthy green environment; to improve the work and home environment with interior plants serviced with responsiveness and dependability; and to provide our customers with the most modern solutions and design tailored to individual needs.