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Contact Information

1156 Oakland Park Avenue
Columbus, OH 43224-3317
Tel: 614-268-3834
Fax: 614-268-3003
Email Request for
Landscape Services

Based on experience, charging a separate design fee is the most equitable way to provide the homeowner with the best possible landscape design while compensating our designers for their time and effort. Some landscape contractors do not charge upfront design fee but instead incorporate the design cost in the landscape installation cost. Charging separately for the design also gives the homeowner the option of installing part of the landscaping themselves or phasing in their landscape over a period of time.

Our design fees are quite reasonable and primarily based on the size of the area to be designed and to some extent the complexity of the design. The following table provides a general idea of fees for typical residential designs:

Area Typical Design Fee
Front Foundation $100 - 150
Entire Front Yard $175 - 300
Back Foundation $100 - 150
Entire Back Yard $175 - 300
Side Yard $100 - 150
Master Plan for Entire Yard $400-800

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