New Albany Garden Center
5211 Johnstown Road New Albany, OH 43054 | p: 614-917-1020 | f: 614-917-1023
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Spring is almost here! Spring is a favorite time of year, so maybe it will warm up soon and we can all get outside and get something growing. Late March and April are excellent times to plant trees. They are typically still dormant but even without their leaves the roots will grow and get established and have a much better chance of surviving the hot summer.
Edible Landscapes
Beautiful shade trees can often offer us a bonus by producing something to eat. An apple tree gives us shade, flowers in the spring, and makes a wonderful place for children to climb and birds to nest, but best of all - Apples. In planning your landscape consider fruit trees for shade and use raspberry, blueberry, or blackberry bushes for hedges. The only requirements for fruiting plants are plenty of sunshine, pollination (choose different varieties), and good drainage. Many varieties and options are arriving daily. A regular spray program may also be needed for some of the fruits, so ask us how, and we can help.
Vegetable Gardens
In March we should be cultivating our seed crops indoors so that in April we can begin to plant those vegetables that can take a little frost. Snap beans, carrots, beets, potatoes, onions, etc. Notice that we did not mention tomato or pepper planting just yet. These should arrive in store mid to late April when it ‘safer’ timing from those occasional cold nights’ damage.
Flower Gardens
What's the difference between a perennial and an annual? Perennials are those plants that come back year after year and require very little care for years of pleasure. But (there is always a but) most perennials have a relatively short blooming time - usually 6 weeks or less. Perennials should form the backbone of your flower garden then mix annuals for dazzling displays of color. Annuals must be planted each year from seed or little plants. Late frost is a factor with annuals, but perennials are generally safe to plant in late March and into April.
April, as soon as the temperatures are consistently about 60 will be a good time to sow seeds and overseed lawns so that they have time to become established before the summer heat gets here. Feed it, lime it, weed it, and keep it mowed at about 2 to 3 inches. Remember if you overseed you must wait 6 weeks (please read your specific fertilizer’s time recommendations) before applying crabgrass preventer. If you are not seeding, fertilize when 75% of the grass has greened up - usually mid-April. You need to apply crabgrass preventer now.
Summer Bulbs
Don't let the good bulbs get gone before you have a chance to pick the ones you want, but it is too early to plant caladiums, elephant ears, and callas. Iris, dahlias and cannas are ok to plant near the end of the month and into April.
Watch your bluebird houses and soon you will see lots of activity. Don't be surprised to see a hummingbird so put up at least one feeder.
Trees & Shrubs
Most plants need feeding now. We recommend True All Purpose Plant Food or Espoma Plant Tone or Tree Tone for most trees and shrubs. We also have many other fertilizer options to get your plants moving this Spring.
Mulch and Soils
Now is the perfect time to take advantage of those cooler temperatures to get a jump start on mulching or creating new beds. Besides being able to get a lot of work done with the sweltering heat, you will be able to mulch with ease before most of the garden wakes up. New beds are easy to create as the soil is pliant and moist from the spring thaw so digging will be an easier task. Take advantage of the specials available in store.
Oakland INSIDE & OUT Specialty Store
5211-B Johnstown Road New Albany, OH 43054 | p: 614-573-8648
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