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Winter 2015 Business Hours

January 2 – March 1
Open daily                   9 am – 6 pm

Contact Information

Columbus Garden Center
1156 Oakland Park Avenue
Columbus, OH 43224-3317
Phone: 614-268-3511
Fax: 614-784-7700

Delaware Garden Center
25 Kilbourne Road
Delaware, OH 43015
Phone: 740-548-6633
Fax: 740-363-2091

Dublin Garden Center
4261 West Dublin-Granville Road
Dublin, Ohio 43017
Phone: 614-874-2400
Fax: 614-874-2420

New Albany Garden Center
5211 Johnstown Road
New Albany, Ohio 43054
Phone: 614-917-1020
Fax: 614-917-1023

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There is a world of gardening pleasure waiting for you. Below are some of Oakland's top recommendations for information and inspiration toward your gardening pursuits. There is no particular order or preference, and we are sure there are many other recommendations. We will post additions periodically.

Ten great places to visit in Ohio:

Franklin Park Conservatory: A treasure of plants and representative biomes, the world over. Changing exhibits compliment its established conservatory living displays of plants. Downtown Columbus, Ohio.
Phone: 614-645-8732, 800-214-7275. www.fpconservatory.org

Inniswood Botanical Gardens: Managed by The Franklin county Metro Park System, the 121 acre park unit is actually a beautiful outdoor garden display. Manicured beds contain 2000 species of annual, perennial and woody plants in tasteful landscape mixes. A great place for inspiration and education. Westerville, Ohio.
Phone: 614-865-6216. www.inniswood.org/Visitor_info.htm

Columbus Park of Roses: A stately 13 acre park that caters to the lovers of cultivated roses. Helpful staff and beautiful grounds promise a worthwhile visit. Spectacular when in blooming season. 11, 000 plants in 350 varieties and over 1000 varieties of daffodils. Voted in USA today as one of the top ten rose gardens in the world. A unit of the City of Columbus Parks and Recreation.
Phone: 614-645-3350. www.parkofroses.org

Dawes Arboretum: : East of Columbus in Licking County, this living museum of plants established on 1800 acres of rolling countryside. A professional staff updates and cares for 4500 unique taxa of woody plants. Most notable are the Japanese garden, Holly collection, conifer area and a great yearly plant sale.
Phone: 800-44-DAWES. http://dawesarb.org/

Kingwood Center: Located near Mansfield, Ohio this former estate turned public garden is a beautiful example of European garden design. A great day trip.
Phone: 419-522-0211. www.kingwoodcenter.org

Secrest Arboretum: On the campus of Ohio State University Agricultural Research and Development Center, in Wooster, Ohio, the arboretum just celebrated its 100th birthday in 2008. A jewel in this Ohio's horticultural field hat, the arboretum is home to thousands of plant species and their cultivars, working research projects and a busy public education program. An excellent website will wet your palette.
Phone: 330-263-3761. http://secrest.osu.edu/

Cleveland Botanical Garden: Located in the famed University Circle area with the other world renowned museums of Art and Natural History, the botanical garden here is a beautiful collection of garden spaces and a new soaring conservatory space featuring two unique world biomes. Combine with other Cleveland attractions for a day or two cultural trip. Excellent horticultural library.
Phone: 888-853-7091. www.cbgarden.org


http://ohioline.osu.edu/lines/hygs.html: Ohio State University Extension Service help website. A well organized mountain of helpful information for a wide range of topics, especially gardening and horticulture.

http://plants.usda.gov/java/: Website from the U.S. Department of Agriculture on plants.

www.monrovia.com: A supplier of plants to Oakland Nursery, their website has good descriptions of their plant material.

www.conifers.org: A web site for scholar level descriptions of many evergreen plants. Go to the site map to find your plant.

www.davesgarden.com: A maze of a site. Lots of places to get gardening help, blog, shop and just poke around.

www.organicgardening.com: From the folks that bring you Organic Gardening magazine. Lots of good articles on the essential elements of going organic.

www.flower-gardening-made-easy.com: Surprisingly informative site for annual and perennial plants.

http://www.houzz.com/photos/outdoor: A great site to get visual inspiration for the home. The pictures are amazing.


Dirr’s Hardy Trees and Shrubs. Michael Dirr 1997. The standard reference for woody plants.

Bringing Nature Home, How You Can Sustain Wildlife and Native Plants. Douglas W. Tallamy. 2008. A groundbreaking book on healing nature in our own backyards. Excellent reading.

The American Woodland Garden. Rick Darke, 2003. An award-winning book on gardening within the context of the woodland site.

The Well-Tended Perennial Garden. Tracy DiSabato-Aust, 2006. A very popular book on all aspects of the perennial garden.

Tree and Shrub Gardening for Ohio. Fred Hower and Alison Beck, 2004. A colorful and informative book from one of central Ohio's own, who has spent his life working with plants. A must for the gardening library. One of a series of fine books about gardening in Ohio.

Tropicalismo! Pam Bagget, 2008. A good book on using tropical plants in the garden.

The Backyard Homestead, Produce All the Food You Want on ¼ Acre. Carleen Madigan, 2007. The heck with grass and shrubbery, start a micro farm on your lot. A great book on self-sufficiency and eating healthy and delicious food.

Hardscaping, How to use Structures, Pathways, Patios and Ornaments in your Garden. Keith Davitt, 2006. If considering any kind of landscape stonework, check this book out. Beautiful landscape work featured in gardens from around the world in nicely done pictorials.

Continuous Color – A Month by Month Guide to Fowering Shrubs and Small Trees for a Continuous Bloom Garden. Pam Duthie, 2004. 272 plants that give season long garden interest by fruit flower, foliage, texture, and bark. Month by Month.

These are just a few of the great books out there, out of the thousands of wonderful books written which caught our eye. We'll feature a new batch later. Stop by Oakland to browse our book collections and tell us about the book you like best.

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